Established in Alexandria in 2015, Unicom is a marketer and distributor of quality industrial raw materials.

Our products range from Fine Chemicals for highly specialized applications, to bulk Metals and Alloys delivered in shiploads to major steel mills and smelters.

Unicom’s business traverses a broad range of industries including steel, aluminum, foundry, welding, and construction, building materials, water treatment, plastics, agrichemicals, refractories and ceramics.

Our goal is to provide a complete package of technically outstanding products, supported by proficient, responsive staff and first class logistics.

Our Value Proposition

We pride ourselves in our ability to add value and create synergies for our supplier and customer partners.

Our End To End Advantage

Our people are professionals who understand the intricacies of your industry and how to help and solve problems, not just write orders.

Value Beats Price

Naturally, you have to be price competitive to stay in business. But we also know that to really thrive in business you need to add value beyond price.

At Unicom we’ll strive to achieve that “great deal” for you. But with that comes a relationship and a commitment to delivering real value - the best ongoing technical and product support, logistics, and insight into what’s new and significant in materials for your industry.

Understanding before Answers

We don’t believe in generic solutions. So before we jump to make recommendations or compile a quote, our first step is always to understand your needs.

We’ll take time to come to explore what’s important to you in a supply relationship - what’s working well, what you’re struggling with, and where you’d like to go with your business.

This way we can be confident we’re not just quoting the right products, but providing you with long term solutions that bring demonstrable value and minimize your risk - without any guesswork.

With Unicom you get the benefit of focused service, as well as great products for today...

Our Guarantees

We believe it’s important to focus on what is most valuable to our customers and really stand by this - for the long term.

visit us

El Doubat buildings, Moustafa Kamel

Building no 62 , Alexandria - Egypt

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Working Hours from 9:00 am - 5:00pm

(+203) 544 78 18 - (+203) 544 77 98

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